Another eden chronos umbra wind crystal
Another eden chronos umbra wind crystal

Hammersmith …and All of You, for keeping the faith. Hope “Book Biter” Basoco, Andrew “Facep0lluti0n” McMenemy, Paul de Senquisse, Oracle of Mind, Max D. Richard “Oathkeeper” Thomas, Rose “Taskmaster” Bailey, and Ian “Kickstarted” A.A. Antonios “Heart-Brother” Rave-N Galatis, Maria “Paint & Paper” Archimandriti, Nina “Wolf-Witch” Galatis, Haris “Blood-Brother” Odinsson, Ioanna “Flame-Knight” Vagianou, and the rest of the Greek gang, for magick in the heart of Hellas. James “Kin-Speaker” High, for walking the Road. Raven “Strong” Bond, for metaphysical consultations. Bryan “Master of Games” Syme, for reAwakening the spirit. Coyote “All The Things!!!” Ashley Ward, for shining light and shadows. Special Thanks to: Sandra “Damiana Silverwitch” Buskirk, for life, love, art, and magick.

another eden chronos umbra wind crystal

  • Hagen, Kathleen Ryan, Stephen Wieck, and Travis L.
  • Porter Wiseman, Lindsay Woodcock, and Teeuwynn Woodruff Mage: The Ascension Creators: Stewart Wieck and Satyros Phil Brucato, with Bill Bridges, Brian Campbell, Sam Chupp, Chris Early, Andrew Greenberg, Robert Hatch, Jesse Heinig, Mark Rein Watson, David Weinstein, David Wendt, Stephen Wieck, Stewart Wieck, Alex Williams, Travis L. Taylor II, Scott Taylor, Aron Tarbuck, Richard Thomas, Robert Weinberg, Jeremy Tidwell, Rachelle Sabrina Udell, Allen Varney, Will van Meter, Ian A.A. John Ross, Rich Ruane, Kathleen Ryan, Malcolm Sheppard, Ethan Skemp, John Snead, Lucian Soulban, Eric P. Moore, Kevin Andrew Murphy, Clayton Oliver, Derek Pearcy, Wade Racine, Andrew Ragland, Nicky Rea, Mark Rein Hill Jr, Chris Hind, Kenneth Hite, Conrad Hubbard, Sam Inabinet, Mark Jackson, Tina Jens, Steve Kenson, Ellen Kiley, Nancy Kilpatrick, Sian Kingstone, Adam Koebel, Mur Lafferty, Jason Langlois, Steve Long, Ryan Macklin, Bill Maxwell, Angel Leigh McCoy, Tadd McDivitt, Matt McFarland, Darren McKeeman, Deena McKinney, Judith McLaughlin, James A. Jim Comer, Richard Dansky, Lynn Davis, Stephen Michael DePisa, Ian Dunteman, Chris Early, Jaymi Elford, James Estes, Shanti Fader, Beth Fischi, Roger Gaudreau, Leonard Gentile, Gary Glass, Owl Goingback, Andrew Greenberg, Daniel Greenberg, Christine Gregory, Eric Griffin, Heather Grove, Marty Hackleman, Robert Hatch, Harry Heckel, Heather Heckel, Jesse Heinig, David A. Williams, and Lindsay Woodcock Character Sheets: Chris Leland and Mike Chaney Interior Art: Aaron Acevedo, Andrew Bates, Dan Brereton, Echo Chernik, John Cobb, Guy Davis, Darryl Elliott, Steve Ellis, Langdon Foss, Michael Gaydos, Anthony Hightower, Jeff Holt, Mark Jackson, Leif Jones, Michael William Kaluta, Matthew Korteling, Andrew Kudelka, Jeff Laubenstein, Brian LeBlanc, David Leri, Vince Locke, Larry MacDougall, Robert MacNeil, Matt Milberger, Matt Mitchell, Steve Prescott, Alex Sheikman, Christopher Shy, Dan Smith, Larry Snelly, Richard Thomas, Joshua Gabriel Timbrook, John Van Fleet Based Upon the Work of: Justin Achilli, Bryan Armor, Leonard Balsera, Emrey Barnes, Rachel Barth, Bruce Baugh, Aldyth Beltane, Kraig Blackwelder, David Bolack, Deir’drei Brooks, Bill Bridges, Steven Brown, Satyros Phil Brucato, Zach Bush, Brian Campbell, Jackie Cassada, Mark Cenczyk, John Chambers, Scott Cohen, Lillian Cohen-Moore, Sam Chupp, Jeff Cisneros, Ken Cliffe, Jennifer Cloduis, Udell (Disparate Allies) Additional Material: Bill Bridges (Society of Ether), Jackie Cassada and Nicky Rea (intro fiction for Chapters Four, Six, and Nine), Jesse Heinig (Virtual Adepts), Deena McKinney (Sisters of Hyppolyta), and Allen Varney (Akashayana, Celestial Chorus, Order of Hermes) Editor: Lindsay Woodcock Art Direction: Richard Thomas and Mike Chaney Book Design: Michael Chaney Mage 20th Anniversary Edition Logo: Craig Grant The Mighty Mage 20th Anniversary Design Brain Trust: Sean Michael Argo, Ryan Todd Baker, Sherry Lynn Baker, Hope Basoco, Raven Bond, Bill Bridges, Allison Brown, Sandra Damiana Buskirk, Raven Nichole Silva-Barton Danger, Tristan Erickson, Antonios Rave-N Galatis, Valentine Graves, Inky Grrl, Jesse Heinig, James High, Mark Jackson, Jennifer Kellam, Thaynah Leal, Travis Legge, Emili Lemanski, Ryan Loyd, Ben Lyons, Rafael Mastromauro, Lisa “Sid” McClaugherty, Eva Morrissey, Haris Odinsson, Michael Shean, Rhea Shemayazi, Malcolm Sheppard, Bryan Syme, Dan “Khan” Treichel, Rachelle Udell, Amy Veeres, Coyote Ashley Ward, Ian A.A.

    another eden chronos umbra wind crystal

    Credits Creative Director: Richard Thomas 20th Anniversary Development: Satyros Phil Brucato, with Bill Bridges Authors: Satyros Phil Brucato (primary text), Brian Campbell (Technocratic Union), John Snead (Appendix I entries), and R.S.

    Another eden chronos umbra wind crystal