The strain however was starting to show by the time of Paranormal Activity 4 (2012).

In comparison to many other horror franchises, the first two sequels, Paranormal Activity 2 (2010) and Paranormal Activity 3 (2011), were above average in terms of quality and atmosphere.
Under different directors, the series has spawned a sequel every year. The Marked Ones is the fourth sequel to the massive runaway hit of Oren Peli’s Found Footage film Paranormal Activity (2007). Hector and their friend Marisol try to save Jesse, which involves them delving into the activities of a devil worship cult that marks its victims from birth.

Hector encounters Oscar who warns him that Jesse has been taken over by an evil presence that will destroy him – just before Oscar throws himself from the apartment roof to stop the presence inhabiting him. He then begins to exhibit paranormal powers, including massive strength and the ability to levitate. Shortly after, Jesse awakes to find a strange bite mark on his arm. They sneak through the police barrier to investigate the apartment, finding it filled with occult symbols. They then learn that she has been murdered by another neighbour Oscar Hernandez. They sneak a lens through the air vent to the apartment below and see the neighbour Ana engaged in a strange ritual. In Oxnard, California, teenager friends Jesse and Hector, having just graduated from high school, play around with a new video camera they have brought.